Dr. Kai Rejeski

Clinician Scientist, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität

Topic: Toxicities associated with engineered cell therapies and bispecific antibodies

Kai Rejeski is the principal investigator of the Laboratory of Precision Immunotherapy in the
Department of Hematology & Oncology at the LMU University Hospital in Munich, Germany,
where he also works as a physician-scientist. In addition, he holds an appointment as a Visiting
Investigator in the Adult BMT and Cellular Therapy Service at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer
Center in New York.
Dr. Rejeski is known for his work elucidating hematologic toxicities of CAR T-cell therapy and led
the international effort to define them as a distinct toxicity category termed immune effector
cell-associated hematotoxicity, or ICAHT. Furthermore, he developed the CAR-HEMATOTOX
model for the prediction of post-CAR-T cytopenias, which has subsequently also been validated
for predicting infections, NRM, and response to CAR-T across multiple disease entities including
LBCL, MCL, B-ALL and multiple myeloma. His research group utilizes modern computational
methods to examine the unique toxicity profile of T-cell based immunotherapies like CAR-T
therapy and bispecific antibodies, and studies how they relate to clinical outcomes.
For his research, he has been awarded the prestigious Young Scientist Award from the Paul-
Martini Foundation, the Pfreundschuh Prize for Clinical Lymphoma Research from the German
Lymphoma Alliance, a Young Investigator Award from both the German Society of Hematology
& Oncology and the Swiss Cancer Research Foundation, and multiple ASH abstract awards. He
has authored more than 60 peer reviewed publications, which have been prominently published
in Nature Medicine, JCO, Blood, JAMA Oncology and Science Advances – to name a few.